Horse Destroys the Universe

Posted on May 25, 2018

I have written a book. It’s about a horse who destroys the universe. You may well be wondering why, and why. Let me see if I can explain…

Back in 2015 I decided to have a go at the NaNoWriMo challenge, to write a novel in a month. I didn’t expect anyone would ever read it, I just enjoy writing and telling stories, so I deliberately chose the most outlandish subject I could think of, which happened to be a horse destroying the universe. The task was to somehow construct a semi-believable sequence of events that would end up with such a scenario.

The story is told from the perspective of Buttercup the horse, who is the unwitting participant in an experiment being conducted by a dysfunctional pair of human scientists. As the weeks of writing progressed and the chaos of the story escalated, I began to realise that there was a lot more going on here than a horse destroying the universe. The fact is, you need so many things to go wrong in order to obtain such a result that the journey of this horse and it’s two hapless human accomplices became far more interesting than the destination.

So, with this rough sketch of a novel complete after a month, I decided to spend some time hammering it into the shape of a proper book. And two and a half years later here I am, crowd-funding to get it published. Will it reach the funding goal? We shall see…