My name is Cyriak, and yes that is a real name. I don’t meet many other Cyriaks in my travels, but I know they are out there, lurking in the shadows.
I started making weird animated gifs in 2004, and even weirder animated videos in 2006, and have been spreading my evil spores across the internet ever since. My commercial work spans such diverse realms as advertising, television and music videos. The software I use is Adobe After Effects for animation, and FL Studio for making music.
I lived in Brighton for about ten years, and moved somewhere else several years ago. Everyone still thinks I live in Brighton, and I have lost the strength of will to keep correcting them. I currently live in a crumbling house in the middle of nowhere, which is kept standing by the efforts of its many resident spiders.
If you are interested in commissioning some animation work then please feel free to drop me an email:
You will also find me on twitter and youtube, but in case your thirst for information is unquenchable I have compiled a list of interviews I’ve done over the years. Enjoy.
Composer Quest Talking about my music
Catster About the ‘Meowpurrdy’ video
Heroes of Animation Youtube documentary
The Atlantic Discussing the ‘Cirrus’ video for Bonobo
Skwigly Includes rare storyboard
Grafill General Cyriak stuff
Fast Company “The Cyriak Method”
BBC South East Today Ancient local news interview