You can email me at this address:
It can take a few weeks to make a minute of animation, so bear that in mind if you want to commission something to a deadline. I can also be found on youtube and twitter.
What software do you use and how do I use it?
I use Adobe After Effects for animation and FL Studio for music. You can find tutorials for these on the internet, which is how I learned.
Where do you get your crazy ideas from?
A combination of things I like, things I hate, and horrible things.
We need a music video for our band, but we don’t have much money…
I’m sorry to hear that.
Would you be interested in collaborating on a music video?
What do you mean?
Like, we provide the music and you make the video?
No, I make my own music, but thanks for the offer.
Can we just use one of your existing videos and stick our music on it?
I’d rather you didn’t.
Hi, I represent a multi channel youtube network…