Animation Influences

Posted on Apr 13, 2016

I was doing a talk recently for Confetti Industry Week in Nottingham, and one of the questions I was asked was about my animation influences. I grew up at a time when kids animation was weird, and grown ups animation was even weirder.

Children’s tv shows like Ivor the Engine, Bagpuss, Magic Roundabout and Chorlton and the Wheelies all had vaguely nightmarish qualities, and if you stayed up late you might have been lucky enough to catch some surreal arty animations on BBC2 or Channel 4 that were seemingly sneaked into the schedules to fill a gap that no one else wanted.

So, because this is a question I am often asked I decided to make a youtube playlist of some of the few that I could remember. There are many more that I can’t, but hopefully this will give some kind of insight into the development of my style, and if I do remember any more I will try to add them to the list.